Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What to consider when moving to the Puget Neighborhood

Puget Neighborhood residents living on the lower side of Lakeway Drive have found some frustrations regarding the costs and damages of living below the City of Bellingham's sewer line. This has required the purchase of heavier duty sewage pumps, whereas other Puget homes have their sewage pumps taken care of. 

For all people looking to move into the neighborhood, or for all who are considering moving to a different part of Puget, it is essential to know the neighborhood before one picks their destination.

There are homes in the Puget Neighborhood that fall below the sewer line that are built on or at the end of hills just north of Lakeway Drive. 

The Puget Basemap, provides useful information about the Neighborhood boundaries. The homes that experience issues with sewage are those on the right of Lakeway (from the view of the Basemap). Streets such as St. Paul St., Toledo St. and Undine St. are built on downward hills. 

Although the location of one’s home in proximity to the sewer line is something to consider, it is only one of the many aspects to contemplate when searching for a home. 

For those with young children, there are many places in the Puget neighborhood that would be great to live in if you are looking for a quick walk to a playground, park or activity center.

The green areas on the City of Bellingham's Puget neighborhood map display the neighborhood’s public areas. These are the areas that would be best to take children on a sunny afternoon. The streets surrounding the Civic Center and Carl Cozier Elementary have great play areas for children including an Aquatic Center and playgrounds. The Whatcom Creek Trail is also in this area, which would be a great place to walk with a stroller.

For those who are looking for more efficient ways to get to work or school, the circulation map displays the best bike routes in relation to other parts of the city. It also displays truck routes, so that one can be aware of the more congested areas in the Puget neighborhood before purchasing a home. 

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